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Health-ISAC Report Explores Current and Emerging Cyber Threats to the Healthcare Sector

Biggest Cybersecurity Concerns in Healthcare

Posted By HIPAA Journal on Mar 30, 2023

Ransomware and phishing continue to be the biggest cybersecurity concerns for healthcare organizations according to the February 2023 Current and Emerging Healthcare Cyber Threat Landscape report from Health-ISAC. The report, a collaboration between Health-ISAC and Booz Allen Hamilton Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI), identified the key threats to the healthcare sector and is based on responses to a November 2022 survey of executives across Health-ISAC, CHIME, and the Health Sector Coordinating Council.

Biggest Cybersecurity Concerns in Healthcare

Survey participants were asked to rank the biggest cybersecurity concerns for their organizations retroactively for 2022 and looking forward for the remainder of the year. Ransomware was the biggest concern for 2022 and 2023 with phishing and spear phishing in second. Third-party/partner breaches, data breaches, and social engineering rounded out the top 5, with social engineering now replacing insider threats as the 5th biggest concern, compared to 2022 when the report was last published.

Read the full article in the HIPAA JOURNAL here:

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