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Denise Anderson Cybersecurity Article in the 2024 Spring TribalHub digital magazine

The Evolution of Cybersecurity and Cyber Threats in Healthcare

Health-ISAC President and CEO, Denise Anderson wrote an article for Tribal ISAC Magazine detailing the timeline of cybersecurity and cyber events affecting the health sector. It covers the timeline of cyber threats to the health sector, including the following topics:

  • – The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions (2009 HITECH)
  • – From Data Privacy to Operational Threats (2015-2016)
  • – COVID-19 Brings a Focus on Healthcare (2020)
  • – A Focus on Compliance vs. Security (2021)
  • – Geopolitics and Healthcare: Nothing is Safe
  • – Changing the Mindset: Invest Now Rather Than Pay Later

Read the 2024 Spring TribalHub digital magazine and see this article on pages 30-31


The threat landscape has changed dramatically over the space of twelve years. With threats ranging from data and IP theft to ransomware, supply chain, and DDoS attacks, healthcare security teams need to be ever mindful of the threats, threat actors, motivations, their firm’s attack surface, and the risk they are willing to accept. Joining an information-sharing organization such as an Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) is a great way to stay abreast of threats and learn from peers.



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