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Collaborative Care: How Health Systems Can Reduce Industry Cyber Risk


Recommendation by Forbes Technology Council to

Foster A Culture Of Intelligence Sharing and

Get Involved In Industry-Specific Cyber Communities

It’s imperative for healthcare providers, both large and small, to collaborate to shore up their lagging cyber defenses. Below, 20 members of Forbes Technology Council detail practical strategies that health systems, working together, can leverage to reduce the industry’s widespread and significant cyber risk.

Healthcare faces significant risk from threat activity due to the sheer volume of sensitive patient data and Internet of Things devices. Getting involved in industry-specific peer-to-peer cyber communities, such as Health-ISAC, will significantly bolster cooperative security efforts. Being cohesive in terms of operations, and building plans in tandem with all departments, will also help systems prepare for a negative incident. – Adam Jackson, 360 Privacy

Read the full article with all of the 20 recommendations in Forbes here:

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