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Chinese, North Korean Nation-State Groups Target Health Data

HHS Report Lists APT41, APT43 and Lazarus Among Top Threat Groups

Marianne Kolbasuk McGee (HealthInfoSec) • September 22, 2023

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Pulled quotes from Health-ISAC

Some industry experts agree with HHS HC3’s assessment of the threats. “APT41, APT43 and the Lazarus Group represent some of the top cyberthreats from China and North Korea for the healthcare sector,” Errol Weiss, chief security officer at the Health Information Sharing and Analysis Center, told Information Security Media Group.

“These cyber gangs are motivated by their own national interests to bolster and enhance the delivery of healthcare to their own populations and actively use offensive cyber operations to achieve those goals by stealing biotech and healthcare R&D,” he said.

Health-ISAC’s Weiss said that active participation in an information-sharing community is a valuable way to stay ahead of cyberthreats. “I’d also suggest reviewing the controls outlined in the Health Industry Cybersecurity Practices – HICP 2023 edition. That paper is great because it’s tailored to meet the needs of large-, medium- and small-sized businesses.”

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