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Connect Wise

• Leverage the ConnectWise SOC, or use your own

• Flexible 30-, 90-, and 360-day log options

• Service-level agreements (SLAs) to meet your needs

• On- and off-premise deployment options


Centralize threat visibility and analysis, backed by cutting-edge threat intelligence

ConnectWise SIEM offers a powerful alternative to expand your security perspective to both prevention and detection. The solution includes comprehensive, flexible SIEM software that streamlines safety and security across your network without additional full-time employee costs or complicated implementations.

IT solution providers are the first—and often only—line of defense for every kind of business in every part of the world. Whether managing mom-and-pop businesses or high-profile clients, providing preventive security measures is a must-have in today’s cybersecurity landscape. Security information and event management (SIEM) solutions offer an additional layer of security for your clients; however, most SIEM solutions are routinely difficult to manage, expensive to deploy, and require a significant amount of in-house cybersecurity expertise.


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